Eco Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizers: Promoting Health and Hygiene i...

Eco Sanitizer hand sanitizer gel and hand sanitizer liquid in healthcare.
It is critical for facilities to take measures to maintain cleanliness, especially in settings where sterileness is of utmost importance. Hand sanitizers promote a safe environment for staff, clients, and visitors in hospitals, dental clinics, and other healthcare facilities.  To reduce the transmission of disease, is it important to practice...
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What you need to know about Sanitizing Wipes

What you need to know about Sanitizing Wipes
Today there are a different options for wipes on the market that include alcohol wipes, antiseptic wipes, all purpose cleaning wipes, disinfectant wipes, sanitizing wipes and more. You will want to make sure the wipes you buy can accomplish their task, safely and effectively. Disinfecting wipes have a germ-killing solution...
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All about Hand Sanitizer

All about Hand Sanitizer
The use of hand sanitizer has become an important part of our day-to-day hygiene. However, not all sanitizers are created equally. The experience of trying different hand sanitizers can range from pleasant to not so pleasant if unwanted ingredients and scents are used.  And this experience has become a part...
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One of the most noticeable lifestyle changes is the use of face masks in public places. Once reserved for certain sectors in society like the medical profession, care workers or dentists, face masks have become mainstream.   Face masks are a simple barrier to help prevent your respiratory droplets from reaching...
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Electrostatic Sprayers

Electrostatic Sprayers
Electrostatic disinfection has been around for some time. Facilities such as hospitals and other commercial industries are familiar with the technique and the necessity for this vital piece of equipment.  But for those of you who are wondering, “What is an electrostatic sprayer?” Since it is virtually impossible to disinfect...
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Cleaning up the rumors about Disinfectants

Cleaning up the rumors about Disinfectants
Many of us have wondered what the best disinfectants are to use and how to best disinfect different types of surfaces.  Whether for household, office, or a retail setting.   The type of disinfectant products we choose to do the job depends largely on the dynamics of the space that...
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