Eco Sanitizer


Eco Sanitizer Inc. is a Canadian manufacturing and distribution company based in Burnaby, BC committed to providing high quality Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfectant, and safety products.

We service a wide variety of commercial, retail and medical professional accounts across Canada with competitively priced products that we either manufacture here in Canada or source responsibly.

ECO has sales experience building and fostering direct to customer (DC) relationships with a growing network of over 1000 direct clients in Canada and the US (retailers, distributers, institutional, janitorial, government and other end-user industries).  These accounts are managed efficiently through our digital channels, social avenues, and skilled sales staff


ECO products are currently sold in retail grocery stores, office supply stores, online retailers, and Industrial & Janitorial suppliers.  ECO has products listed with very large distributors who have international presence that can support our entry into foreign markets.


Strategic Warehousing Across Canada & USA


Eco Sanitizer buckets of hand sanitizer gel and hand sanitizer liquid for wholesale.


If you are a business, retailer or health care facility, we invite you to take advantage of our great prices by calling and speaking to a member of our wholesale team.


Download our Product Catalogue


Apply to become a Wholesaler


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